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Writing A Death Penalty Persuasive Essay Like A Pro!

Writing a persuasive paper is a lot like arguing your case before the court as a lawyer. You must take a stand with for or against the issue. Then you need to build the strongest argument if you must convince your readers. You should convince your readers to accept your point of view on a particular issue and take action. These papers require extensive research and a full understanding of the issue.

How to write a death penalty persuasive essay

In the United States, the death penalty is a contentious issue, as many believe that it is too severe. Capital punishment has been in existence since the beginning of time, but in today's modern world, it is seen as inhumane and unnecessary. Some people argue that the lives of criminals should not be taken despite the terrible atrocities they committed. Others argue that such people can never be rehabilitated into society. The debate has been on for long.

This contention makes the topic excellent for a persuasive essay. If you need topics to work with, here are some below:

  1. The death penalty acts as a deterrent that prevents criminals from committing grave offenses such as murder.

    This topic is an argument in support of the death penalty. You can use this as a basis for your argument and find some research that supports your claim. Persuade the readers that it deters potential criminals from killing other human beings.

  2. The death penalty is not an effective deterrent

    This is an argument against the death penalty. If you can find research that shows that the death penalty does not deter murders, then you may be able to persuade your readers.

  3. Capital punishment is cheap and more economical for the state

    You can also argue that it is cheaper to execute a death penalty than to incarcerate a criminal for life. The state pays for food, healthcare, accommodation, and so many other things.

  4. The death penalty is humane and better than lifetime imprisonment

    You can argue that the death penalty is a better punishment than life imprisonment because no one deserves to be locked up for the remainder of their lives.

  5. The death penalty follows the Mosaic law, "a life for a life."

    Most laws and punishments were gotten from the laws of Moses in the bible. You can persuade your readers that it is only fair to take a life where a life has been taken.

  6. The death penalty is inhumane and cruel

    In this death penalty persuasive essay, you need to argue that it is cruel to take life as punishment for crime. No matter how grave the crime was, the fundamental right to life should be considered in such cases.

  7. The capital punishment deprives criminals of a second chance for redemption and rehabilitation

    This topic allows you to convince your readers that everyone deserves a second chance to be rehabilitated.

  8. Lethal injection is a more humane capital punishment
  9. The death penalty is risky as it could be executed on an innocent person
  10. Lethal injection is questionable on ethical grounds.

There are so many other topics to try. You can get writing help from a professional if you need tips.

Important Steps

Always Proof Your Work

An essay help service can give you support for proofing your essay if needed. This is vital for a scholarship essay as a reader who finds significant proofing errors will think you are not taking your work all that seriously. This would only hurt your chances for success in most cases.

Show Strong Interest

Many “write my essay” plans fail because people do not show any real interest in what they are doing. They just focus more on writing things because they feel a real obligation for doing so. This will only hurt as it shows a person is not all that interested in whatever the subject matter of the essay is. When you look to write essay thesis, you have to plan something based on what you are interested in and how it will work for you. Avoid anything that is tough for you to work with but you feel a need to handle just because it’s an obligation to you. This part of essay writing help will save you from undue stress as you will instead be writing something that you will actually want to work on.

Create a Good Point

Every essay needs to have a sensible point. The best essay writing service you can hire knows that every paper you wish to work with needs to have a point that focuses on something useful and of real value. The point you will bring up must be introduced early on and should be referenced throughout your work with as much supporting material as possible. Readers will not want to look at your essay if it just drones on and does not focus on anything of value. Keep it all about something of value and let the reader know how committed you are to getting the paper to read well and to be about something of real use.
